Actual dates

Submission of abstracts:
- September 1, 2008

Notification of acceptance:
- October 1, 2008

Pre-Conference Workshop

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IT Expertise in Industry
Building a Better Model Integrating Women's Potentials

Pre-conference workshop at the
5th European Gender & ICT Symposium

Chair: Claudia Morrell
March 5, 9.00 am - 12.00 pm (noon)

Businesses all over the world are in the need of more highly qualified IT-developers and designers. Women's knowledge and expertise has long been an under-utilized resource in the field of IT and IT applications and their absence is significant in our understanding of the decline in overall participation in the technology workforce. Measures are needed to increase women's participation and leadership in the innovation of IT beginning from the early encouragement of girls to the creation of women-welcoming environments in engineering and information technology. New theories and data are providing clues to why programs have not had greater impact on women's workforce participation in IT in the past and ways we can better engage both women and men in the field.

This pre-conference workshop addresses especially people from industry and policy, decision makers, recruiters, employees and all those who are interested in entering the field.

Topics will be especially:

  • Understanding current working conditions
  • Cultures in companies: What's different for our daughters
  • Successful recruiting measures
  • Retention revisited
  • The impact on the bottom line: Successes in companies through recruiting more women
  • Local and global policies for the ICT sector
  • Measures and best practices
  • ICT in press and media

The workshop will be moderated by Claudia Morrell,
Founding chair of the International Taskforce for Women and ICTs, US.

The workshop "IT Expertise in Industry" takes place at the University of Bremen, SFG:
    Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 7
    28359 Bremen
    Room: SFG 0150

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