Actual dates

Submission of abstracts:
- September 1, 2008

Notification of acceptance:
- October 1, 2008

Next European Symposium on Gender & ICT will take place at Umea University, Sweden, 2011.

Contact: Anna Croon Fors

5th European Symposium on Gender & ICT
Digital Cultures:
Participation - Empowerment - Diversity

March 5 - 7, 2009 - University of Bremen

SFG, Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 7, 28359 Bremen

Information Society with its variety of new information and communication media offers many new options to participate in today's social, cultural, political, and economic activities. However, chances are unequally distributed, e.g. by class, ethnicity, age - and by gender.

The 5th European Gender and ICT Symposium will take a closer look at the complex interdependences between gender and ICT. Analyses of current ICT use and education on a global level and under various local conditions will be presented and new constructive approaches to gender-aware software design will be identified at the conference. Innovative solutions to overcome the barriers, to encourage participation, and to equally empower women and men by means of Information Technology will be discussed.

This conference, the fifth in a row of symposia held in Europe since 2003, provides a meeting point for researchers from various disciplines and research schools, for practitioners and policy makers in the area of gender and ICT.

Topics are:

  • Gendering in Design
  • Computing Science - a Gendered Discipline?
  • Gender & Technology Curricula
  • Competences in Technology/Digital Media and Social Participation
  • Digital Cultures, Identity and Subject Construction
  • Gender, Work and ICT
  • Design for Gender & Diversity
  • Globalisation and Local Action

Annual Conference of GI Working group "Women and Conputer Science":
This year's conference of the Working group "Women and Conputer Science" of the German Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)will take place at Haus der Wissenschaft, Bremen, March 6 - 8, 2009. The topic of the conference is "Computerspiele - Virtuelle Geschlechter in virtuellen Welten?"
For further information see the conference program.

Partners and Supporters of the GICT 2009 and the Pre-Conference Workshop:

ZGS dimeb FB3 DFG Bremen Innovativ MDWIT SoteG TZI
Uni Bremen EFrE Der Senator für Wirtschaft und Häfen Die Senatorin für Arbeit, Frauen, Gesundheit, Jugend und Soziales