Actual dates
Submission of abstracts:
- September 1, 2008
Notification of acceptance:
- October 1, 2008
5th European Symposium on Gender & ICT
Digital Cultures:
Participation - Empowerment - Diversity
University of Bremen, Germany, March 5 - 7, 2009
Information Society with its variety of new information and
communication media offers many new options to participate in
today's social, cultural, political and economic activities.
However, chances are still distributed unequally, e.g. by class,
ethnicity, age - and by gender. Access to and the ability to use
information and communication technology (ICT) are necessary
prerequisites for participation. On top of this, involvement in ICT
design is a highly prestigious activity.
On the 5th European Gender and ICT Symposium we will take a closer
look at the complex interdependence between gender and ICT. We will
explore ways to increase appreciation of diversity in design and use
and to strengthen empowerment and participation by means of ICT.
This conference, the fifth in a row of symposia held in Europe since
2003, traditionally provides a meeting point for researchers from
various disciplines and research schools dealing with gender and ICT.
Where will the conference take place?
Conference Schedule
Thursday, 05/03/2009 |
Friday, 06/03/2009 |
Saturday, 07/03/2009 |
Thursday, 05/03/2009
| Friday, 06/03/2009
| Saturday, 07/03/2009
| |
9:00 am |
Pre-Conference Workshop "IT Expertise in Industry -
Building a Better Model Integrating Women's Potentials"
with Claudia Morrell, Founding chair of the International Taskforce for Women and ICTs, US.
Keynote 2: Lucy Suchman
"Agencies in Technology Design: Feminist Reconfigurations"
Keynote 3: Chat Garcia Ramilo
"Take Back the Tech"
9:00 am |
9:30 am |
9:30 am |
10:00 am |
Coffee Break (10:00 am - 10:30 am)
Coffee Break and Cultural Event
(10:00 am - 11:00 am)
10:00 am |
10:30 am |
Session 4
Gendering in Design
Session 5
Digital cultures, identity and subject construction
Session 6
Design for Gender & Diversity
10:30 am |
11:00 am |
Panel Discussion
International Networking
11:00 am |
11:30 am |
11:30 am |
12:00 am |
Lunch and Registration (12:00 am - 1:00 pm)
12:00 am |
12:30 pm |
Lunch Break (12:30 pm - 1:30 pm)
Closing, Snacks and Farewell (12:30 pm - 1:30 pm)
12:30 pm |
1:00 pm |
Conference Opening
1:00 pm |
1:30 pm |
Keynote 1: Tanja Paulitz
"Technology as a Product of Boundary Work. The Case of Historic Debates on the 'Machine' in Engineering"
1:30 pm |
2:00 pm |
2:00 pm |
2:30 pm |
Coffee Break (2:30 pm - 3:00 pm)
Session 7
Gendering in Design
Session 8
Competences in Technology and Social Participation
Session 9
Gender, Work and ICT
2:30 pm |
3:00 pm |
Session 1
Globalisation and local action
Session 2
Digital cultures, identity and subject construction
Session 3
Gender, Work and ICT
3:00 pm |
3:30 pm |
3:30 pm |
4:00 pm |
Coffee Break (4:00 pm - 4:30 pm)
4:00 pm |
4:30 pm |
Session 10
Gendering in Design
Session 11
Competences in Technology and Social Participation
Session 12
Participation and Politics
4:30 pm |
5:00 pm |
Meeting IFIP TC9 WG 9.8
"Women and IT"
5:00 pm |
5:30 pm |
5:30 pm |
6:00 pm |
6:00 pm |
6:30 pm |
6:30 pm |
7:00 pm |
Reception in the Town Hall (7:00 pm - 8:00 pm) |
Cultural Event and Dinner (7:00 pm - Open End) |
7:00 pm |
7:30 pm |
7:30 pm |