Actual dates

Submission of abstracts:
- September 1, 2008

Notification of acceptance:
- October 1, 2008


Session 1: Globalisation and Local Action
Time: Thursday, 05/Mar/2009: 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Session Chair: Prof. Heike Wiesner
Location: SFG 1020

  1. Global economy through local cultures shaping the gender of ICT
    by Marja Vehviläinen [ Abstract - Paper ]
  2. Gender and digital divide in developing countries: how gender can shape technology?
    by Neide Mayumi Osada and Maria Conceição da Costa
  3. Creating an Academic Network with Women in Computer Science in Afghanistan
    by Eva Maria Hoffmann [ Paper ]

Session 2: Digital Cultures, Identity and Subject construction
Time: Thursday, 05/Mar/2009: 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Session Chair: Claudia Reiche
Location: SFG 1030

  1. Music as a vehicle to encourage girls' and boys' interest in technology
    by Anita Thaler and Isabel Zorn [ Abstract - Paper ]
  2. Fostering Girls' Identification with STEM by Offering an Online Community
    by Diana Schimke, Heidrun Stoeger and Albert Ziegler [ Abstract - Paper ]
  3. Construction of gendered technological identities in the school space
    by Núria Vallès Peris, Maria Caprile and Clara Créixams [ Paper ]

Session 3: Gender, Work and ICT
Time: Thursday, 05/Mar/2009: 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Session Chair: Carola Schirmer
Location: SFG 1040

  1. It's a men's world? How to use generalized communication medias to observe gendered communication in internet agencies
    by Iris Koall and Diana Lengersdorf [ Abstract - Paper ]
  2. Is telework a female work organization?
    by Carmen Pérez and Ana Gálvez [ Abstract - Paper ]
  3. Using Technology and Constituting Structures in Professional Kitchens
    by Tarja Tiainen, Riitta Tuikkanen and Teija Taskinen [ Abstract - Paper ]

Session 4: Gendering in Design
Time: Friday, 06/Mar/2009: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Session Chair: Corinna Bath
Location: SFG 1020

  1. The Role of Interface in virtual Gender Representations
    by Sandra Buchmueller, Gesche Joost and Rosan Chow [ Abstract - Paper ]
  2. Degrees Of Freedom (DOF) - rendering of virtual characters
    by Jennie Kristina Olofsson [ Abstract - Paper ]
  3. Today's outfit in Swedish Fashion Weblogs: An ethnographical study of the online body
    by Ann-Charlotte Palmgren [ Abstract - Paper ]
  4. An exploration of a diversity of vision in digital art projects
    by Sonja Josepha van Kerkhoff [ Abstract ]

Session 5: Digital Cultures, Identity and Subject construction
Time: Friday, 06/Mar/2009: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Session Chair: Dr. Marja Vehviläinen
Location: SFG 1030

  1. Gender Trouble in Web 2.0. Gender perspectives on social network sites, wikis and weblogs
    by Tanja Carstensen [ Abstract - Paper ]
  2. The ties that bind: the performance of gender, sexuality and friendship on MySpace
    by Niels A.J.M. Van Doorn [ Abstract - Paper ]
  3. Girls' Digital Selves: Partial But True
    by Katie Davis [ Abstract - Paper ]
  4. Doing E-Learning/Doing Gender? Examining the Relationship between Students' Gender Concepts and E-learning Technology
    by Peter Bruestle, Dominik Haubner, Matthias Holthaus, Bernd Remmele and Dominique Schirmer [ Paper ]

Session 6: Design for Gender and Diversity
Time: Friday, 06/Mar/2009: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Session Chair: Dr. Gill Kirkup
Location: SFG 1040

  1. Disrupting the impression of stability in the gender-technology relation
    by Hilde Gandrudbakken Corneliussen [ Abstract - Paper ]
  2. There is a 'mass' of women missing from ICT. Let's bring it in!
    by Monica Obreja [ Abstract - Paper ]
  3. Concept Mapping from a Perspective of Gendered Diversity
    by Sigrid Schmitz and Elisabeth Grunau [ Abstract - Paper ]
  4. "Do you work on IT or what?" -- Configurations of Heterogeneous Actors in Information Systems Design.
    by Johanna Sefyrin [ Abstract - Paper ]

Session 7: Gendering in Design
Time: Friday, 06/Mar/2009: 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Session Chair: Erna Kotkamp
Location: SFG 1020

  1. Designing Gendered Games; Values of Designers and Users of Toys
    by Els Rommes and Josine Oude Geerink van Leijen [ Abstract - Paper ]
  2. Reflections on Gender Aspects of designing an educational PC-Game at the Example of a Project performed at the German Maritime Museum Bremerhaven
    by Ulrike Erb [ Abstract - Paper ]
  3. Ascribing Gender from Domestic Technologies
    by Inari Anna Aaltojärvi [ Paper ]

Session 8: Competences in Technology and Social Participation
Time: Friday, 06/Mar/2009: 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Session Chair: Dr. Sigrid Schmitz
Location: SFG 1030

  1. E-inclusion and social welfare in Spain: a gender perspective
    by Cecilia Castaño, Juan Martín and Susana Vázquez [ Abstract - Paper ]
  2. Working towards equal access of Information and Knowledge for Pacific Women through ICT
    by Anju Mangal and Mitzi Ferguson
  3. What drives young women to study computer science in Switzerland? - Experiences on promoting computer science studies for female high school graduates -
    by Christina Pöpper and Adrian Altenhoff [ Abstract - Paper ]

Session 9: Gender, Work and ICT
Time: Friday, 06/Mar/2009: 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Session Chair: Dr. Tanja Carstensen
Location: SFG 1040

  1. Differences by Gender in Work Expectations for CS Students in Costa Rica
    by Elena Gabriela Barrantes Sliesarieva and Gabriela Marín Raventós [ Abstract - Paper ]
  2. Changes in Female Researchers Internet Access and the Scientific Career Across Time: Evidence from Ghana, Kenya, and Kerala, India
    by Beverly Paige Miller and Wesley Shrum
  3. What Leads Women to pursue a Research Career in the Field of ICTs? The Case of Spanish Public Research Institutions
    by Cecilia Castaño, Milagros Sainz, Ana Gonzalez and Beatriz Lopez [ Abstract - Paper ]

Session 10: Gendering in Design
Time: Friday, 06/Mar/2009: 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Session Chair: Dr. Cecile K. M. Crutzen
Location: SFG 1020

  1. Innovation and Gender in the making: A gendered analysis of technological performances at The Stage
    by Anna Croon Fors and Christina Mörtberg [ Abstract - Paper ]
  2. Searching for methodology. Feminist technology design in computer science
    by Corinna Bath [ Abstract - Paper ]
  3. Tensions in Design
    by Maja van der Velden, Christina Mörtberg and Pirjo Elovaara [ Abstract - Paper ]

Session 11: Competences in Technology and Social Participation
Time: Friday, 06/Mar/2009: 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Session Chair: Prof. Ingrid Schirmer
Location: SFG 1030

  1. Establishment of a girls only class at the upper stage secondary level
    by Fritz Hasselhorn, Gerlinde Schreiber and Olga Zbozhna [ Abstract - Paper ]
  2. Gender and E-Tutoring - A Concept for Gender Sensitive E-Tutor Training Programs
    by Tanja Adamus, Nicole Engelhardt, Barbara Getto and Michael Kerres [ Abstract - Paper ]
  3. Getting in Touch with Experts - Problem Based Learning in the engineering education
    by Susanne Ihsen, Anna Buschmeyer and Sabrina Gebauer [ Abstract - Paper ]

Session 12: Participation and Politics
Time: Friday, 06/Mar/2009: 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Session Chair: Dr. Els Rommes
Location: SFG 1040

  1. Autonomous Killing Systems, Gender & ICT. A Case Study of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in US & NATO Military
    by Jutta Weber [ Abstract ]
  2. Who is ruling the Internet? Gender sensitive research into Internet censorship as a central area of Internet governance
    by Heike Jensen and Chat Garcia Ramilo [ Abstract - Paper ]
  3. Inclusion and the rhetoric of eParticipation
    by Doris Allhutter [ Abstract ]